Pre primary and primary
The Pre-Primary and Primary classes at BHS help our youngest dancers develop a deeper understanding of the syllabus while enhancing their physicality, creativity, and musicality. The focus is on enjoying the process while progressing from basic motor skills like skipping and jumping to more technical steps such as sautés and springs, all while nurturing a passion for ballet. Students will also have the opportunity to learn a set dance, which runs along the syllabus exercises, starting within the Primary syllabus, encouraging performance and allowing for self-expression through movement.
These classes aim to prepare Reception students for the Summer end-of-year Ballet presentation exams, offering a fantastic opportunity for them to showcase everything they have learned throughout the academic year and our Year 1’s upwards to either take their Class Award or full examination in smaller groups towards the Autumn term.
Class information:
Pre-primary classes from Reception (5+)
Primary classes at BHS start Year One (6+)
These classes fall under extra-curricular activities held at Bromley High School where times and class days will be found on the sign up list.
Uniform Requirements:
Pre primary and Primary are required to wear the same uniform which includes:
Pink leotard
Pink chiffon shirt
Ballet shoes and socks
Optional pink cardigan.
All items can be purchased from our dance academy online shop – and will be correctly fitted by our teachers for your child before their lesson.
* Please note, Reception and Year One girls are also invited to join the ‘Funky Jazz’ classes, for further information please see ‘Funky Jazz’ section of our home screen